Shahnawaz Khan | Program Lead

Shahnawaz, also known as Shahn, is a Program Lead in TEA’s Delhi team. He is an Educational Innovator and Advocate whose journey from engineering to education has been driven by a passion for making a tangible difference in people’s lives. He is currently leading curriculum and assessment reforms for the  Delhi Government’s Schools of Specialised Excellence under the Delhi Board of School Education.

Shahn’s commitment to impact was sparked during college through a program by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, where he adopted two villages in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh for three years. This experience ignited a lifelong dedication to empowering communities through sustainable initiatives. Over the past seven years, he has worked to improve learning outcomes for students in various capacities, from classrooms in a low-income community in Ahmedabad to strengthening assessments and implementing the National Education Policy at the Central Board of Secondary Education.

At the core of Shahn’s educational philosophy is the belief in the unlimited potential of every individual and the need to drive through equity. He is passionate about creating inclusive learning environments where individuals feel valued and are empowered to succeed.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Shahn loves discussing new ideas, and exploring graphology and is a dedicated tea connoisseur, finding joy in blending the perfect cup for every mood. He believes that TEA is the KEY!